Wednesday, July 15, 2015

First P-Day! Fantastic! Not Awesome (July 15th, 2015)

Hello everyone!

Thank you for all the emails! I really do appreciate them!

The last week has been crazy. 

Wednesday 8 July 2015:
Travel was quite easy for me compared to half the missionaries traveling that day. I had no issues other than it being my first time on a plane and I was homesick as soon as I left mum and Carson and sat down to wait for my flight to board. But lucky for me the Wilkes family was all there and so I wasn't completely alone. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for sending them to me! The flight from Tucson to Houston was delayed only slightly because there was a dumb coyote on the runway.

Houston was really muggy and I never even stepped outside. I found my flight quite easily and waited for everyone to board.

The flight to Newark was nice, I got to sleep, and I couldn't resist. I watched The Avengers Age of Ultron on the plane :/ It was really good! Right before the plane left, a young man in a suit got on and I was guessing he was a missionary but I wasn't sure.

The flight to Manchester was really long. I had a window seat thank goodness and I slept a few hours, so I was quite blessed. On this flight there was that young man from before and then two sisters that I knew were missionaries because they were talking to each other and the people next to them.

And the accents began.

Most of the passengers on the plane had accents, the people right behind me were from Liverpool and their accents were sooo thick. I loved it.

So that young man I thought was an Elder is and he is actually from Arizona too! Queen Creek! His name is Elder Rivera.

When I say my travel was quite blessed, I mean it. 7 missionaries had delayed flights and came the day later! United Airlines was having some issues and all the missionaries from Utah and one from Colorado were set back a day. Including my friend from Facebook I was hoping to meet on the plane from Newark to Manchester.

It is beautiful in England and the MTC is on the England Temple grounds so it is even more beautiful.

There are so many accents here and not just British. German, Ghana, Swedish, Australian, Brazilian,Chinese, Japanese! There is one Elder in my district that grew up in China but studied in Australia, so he has a Chinese/Australian/British accent. It is brilliant!

So far we have been in classes and had study time. Emphasis on the study time. Anyone wanting to serve, learn how to study with a purpose so you can get the very most out of the loads of time you have for study! I was baffled by how hard it was for me to study! We teach investigators already, and as of now, I am sometimes good at teaching them. It is harder than I thought it would be. but I am getting better.

My MTC companion is Sister Phillips!! The one I had been talking to on Facebook for the last three months. That was such a blessing to get someone I already knew and she is so amazing! She is such a fantastic example!

I also have the best room mates! She isn't in my room but Sister Swan is the one from Australia so of course I love her. Everything she says is either beautiful or just cracks me up!

Random Things:
Airports are ginormous! I had to take a train to get from one terminal to the other in Texas.
Here they leave the windows open all the time! Big no no in Arizona summers!
I am so surprised by how tired I am, but I always have a smile on my face! 
Fruits and vegetables always taste like they just came out of the ground, they probably did.

I am slowly learning the words here. Like pitch is the field and as everyone knows soccer is football.

The weather is actually quite nice but it does get cold. Especially when it rains. And it rained all of Sunday and Monday. We were stuck inside for our exercise but thats okay because they have a weight room and ping pong tables. I am not good at ping pong. I will get there eventually. I am much better at football. I think the Elders were really surprised that I could actually play at all. I scored twice!

If you know me at all, you know that one of my favorite words to use is awesome! and my mission president has asked us Americans to refrain from using awesome, guys, cool, and super. That covers the whole of my excitement words :( So it is now Fantastic! or Brilliant!

We went to the Temple today and it was magnificent! It just reminded me of home because it is just the same here as it is back home.

Sorry! No pictures this week. I cannot figure these laptops out! Just think green and British :)

Love you all!

The Gospel is soooo true! I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father so much!

- Sister Haynie

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